Asst. Prof. Salih Bayar

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Presentation & Proposal

You are required to read, present and write some scientific papers:

You can find a sample list of related papers

I tried to classified them for you according to the processor type/ conference name and FPGA technology.
You can select any of them or any other scientific paper that I confirm.
A paper cannot be assigned to multiple groups or students: the selection process will work according to the first come first served manner.
This assignment can be done individually or by a group of two students. If you prefer to be a group, you are required to do much better than a single student.

Research Steps:


Proposal document, i.e. manuscript:


Useful Links:

Online Latex tools:

Latex Desktop Environment (There are too many options):

I) You have to download one of the following Tex Systems:

II) You can download one of the following IDEs (there are infinitely many :) ):